When thinking about social media platforms to use for your business, most people tend to automatically think of generating leads from Facebook or Twitter, starting on Instagram, and one of the last places people to think about is that powerful business network that is right in front of your nose; LinkedIn.
Sure, LinkedIn, when looking at Monthly Active Users (MAU), is not the biggest social network out there. LinkedIn has around 310 million MAU, compared to 330 million on Twitter, 2.7 billion on Facebook or the 1 billion on Instagram.
But the audience is one of the most lucrative ones.
Facebook, Twitter, and the rest are crowded and noisy. And while there was a time that it was definitely a lot quieter on LinkedIn, LinkedIn right now is starting to become busier as well.
BUT, unlike Facebook, where most people still go to connect with their friends or watch funny videos, LinkedIn is a destination for people to connect with like-minded people in their industry and to learn about their industry.
So if you’re looking for a place to drive qualitative B2B traffic to your website or blog, this is THE platform.
Research by Econsultancy a couple of years ago already stated that
“LinkedIn is now responsible for a staggering 64% of all visits from social media channels to corporate websites.”

Even more so, the overall decision-makers in most companies (CEOs) use LinkedIn the most of any public social network. The same holds for 41% of millionaires.
The LinkedIn audience has been proven to be highly engaged with content – 6 out of 10 users actively look for industry insights.
We can go on and on, but you probably understand by now that the LinkedIn platform gives your brand access to a whole host of educated, skilled, and influential people with a high search intent (when you visit LinkedIn, you already have your industry cap on and are actively seeking knowledge).
So if you want to reach those people who aren’t that active on most other social networks but could significantly impact your organization’s sales, it is time to start taking LinkedIn seriously. Read More